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Click above to view the live app.

(Please keep in mind that it's still a work 

in progress.  Enjoy.)

Battling Extinction is an educational app that's currently a work in progress.  This particular app would be used in educational settings for kids of all ages, offering them an opportunity to learn about the endangerment of several animal species.  


There's currently six clickable animals to learn about; however, some of the factual information is currently being updated.  


My role as a designer and artist was to create a home in the Flash framework for a new animal, and I chose the Snow Leopard.  I established references and benchmarks, made storyboards, and concepted for each part of the Snow Leopard's story.  Within each animal's story there's a consistent progression: 

Life in balance, endangerment occurs, what happens when things get worse, and what can we do to help?


This was a great opportunity for me to be able to collaborate with a small team who were also working 

on their own endangered species.  I had the opportunity to do some art direction by assisting sound designers on how to approach each story-part and establishing mood in context.  I also worked with other team members on incorporating their animal illustrations and animations into the Flash framework, and writing Actionscript where necessary in order for everything to stay organized and in working order.  


Below you can find my personal story-parts for the Snow Leopard, and I've also attached a link to my process page for the Battling Extinction app.  Thank you for looking, and stay tuned in the coming months for the live Battling Extinction app!

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